“Our job is to teach the students we have, not the ones we would like to have. Not the ones we used to have. Those we have right now. All of them”.
— Dr. Kevin Maxwell
It is with mixed feelings that this January 2024 edition of Aussie educator is being uploaded. The cause of this is not that it could be much better [or worse] than it is. It is not celebrating an anniversary or anything similar though it is more than 20 years old, even though not in this format for a section of that time. In fact, the first version was barely more than a page and was created with a currently non-existent program from Microsoft, but at least was a good start. And, most importantly, it performed multiple aims.
The first of these was to continue [or at least try] providing lists of sources and information that might help teaching staff have easy access to materials that might be of help to them. Our experience in doing that [mostly by my better half] seemed to be appreciated and I/we thought it might be worth expanding on it and seeing if we could move from pen and paper to a computer format, which we have now in one form or another. One of the things that remains a priority was that we did not go for glossy presentations [we were very successful as you can tell !]. We did, however, want to include access to as much information as possible and the 14 000+ links we now offer is indicative of this. All of this brings me in particular to a major decision that was also agreed with by my better half.
This will in fact be the last update for the site. Age [about to turn 80 quite soon], health difficulties and an inability to spend enough time on maintaining or even expanding the site and, more importantly, being able to achieve what I see as a satisfactory level of both information and presentation is increasingly becoming beyond my capacity. As a result, the decision to make this the last new issue, while difficult, ended up being very sensible .
This does not mean it will not be available. Quite the opposite. It will still be available while it is clear that reasonable numbers still make use of it. Hosting will be maintained while this is the case. If the numbers fall to very small numbers then we will review the position and a decision will be made as to what happens.
At the same time, you will notice on the Contact Us page that we will not be continuing email contact with people. Until the link is redacted, you will simply receive an "auto" reply indicating the new situation.
Having got that off my chest, can I say the following. Firstly I have really enjoyed the journey this project has allowed. I have learnt a lot, I have found things I certainly did not know before. I have been fortunate to have had contacts with people which have given me and I hope them, pleasure in discussions as well as email contact. This has applied whether it has come from around the world not just this state or elsewhere in Australia.
Finally, I want to thank you - the users of the site. In essence you have kept me going. We have not sought publicity or undertaken advertising yet you have kept coming to use the site. You have kept the site going. You have been generous in your suggestions of potential additions and much, much more. You have certainly made our task a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable and I cannot thank you enough. Unless you find something better I hope you are still able to use the site to help you along the way. I hope you continue to make use of and enjoy the site in the future.
“This photograph was sent to the head of the Education Department, Frank Tate, in 1916 to support the community’s request for a new school building”.
Available at : Public Records Office Victoria. Available - Teacher Clement Baker with his pupils at Mallacoota State School, c. 1910, Public Records Office Victoria. . [Accessed 16 January 2024].
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