Vocational education and training - post-compulsory education and training, excluding degree and higher level programs delivered by further education institutions, which provides people with occupational or work-related knowledge and skills. VET also includes programs which provide the basis for further vocational programs.
Alternative terms used internationally include Technical and Vocational Education and Training [TVET], vocational and Technical Education and Training [VTET], Technical and Vocational Education [TVE], Vocational and Technical Education [VTE], Further Education and Training [FET] and Career and Technical Education [CTE]. 1
An additional name is Vocational Education & Learning [VEL].
Vocational Education is supported in all education systems particularly at secondary and tertiary levels. It is also provided by groups outside the main school systems including TAFE, colleges and private providers [RTOs]. Vocational Education involves practical components allied to theoretical work.
In most school systems, vocational studies can be completed as part of major qualifications in the senior years.
This page looks at Vocational Education in all Australian states & Territories, Commonwealth involvement and related information.
Australian Training Awards
‘Showcasing the outstanding achievements of apprentices, trainees, vocational students, training providers, employers, training practitioners and industry organisations’. -
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
‘The Department enables access to quality skills, training and employment to support Australians find secure work in fair, productive and safe workplaces - supporting individuals, businesses and our nation to prosper’. Related sites include :
National Regulatory Framework
Regulatory standards for training providers and regulators. The Australian Skills Quality Authority [ASQA]; State regulators; Standards for regulators; National VET Standards; Standards for RTOs; and Standards for VET course. -
National Skills Agreement : Vision and Principles
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. ‘The following vision statement and guiding principles for longer-term vocational education and training [VET] reform under a new National Skills Agreement have been agreed by Skills Ministers and endorsed by the National Cabinet on 31 August 2022’. -
Skills and Training
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. ‘Sections cover Support and training for employment; For Employers; The Future of Skills; Transferring Skills and Licences; For industry and government; For training providers; Data, Review and Strategies; and Announcements’. Each area has sub-sections of specific information. -
Skills and Workforce
Ministerial Council Statements
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. This body effectively replaced the Council of Australian Government [COAG] Skills Council. Their latest communiques are available from this site. Earlier communiques from COAG can still be found on the Council of Australian Government [COAG] Skills Council page. -
Skills Reform
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. ‘To support the future growth and prosperity of our nation, the Australian, state and territory governments are committed to improving the vocational education and training [VET] system through reform. A strong VET system is critical for Australia’s long-term economic recovery from COVID-19’. A number of documents are available from the site. -
Trade Training Centres in Schools Program
Department of Education. “To reflect the Government’s commitment to stronger industry collaboration, the TTCs focus on working with industry and having appropriate student support in place. The program has funded 375 Trade Training Centres and 136 Trade Skills Centres”. Independent Review data, Annual Progress Reports and a Case Study Video to name just a few aspects. Also check the menu on the left for further links and information. -
Training Packages
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. ‘Training packages are a key feature of Australia’s national vocational education and training [VET] system. Training packages are used as the basis for most of the programs delivered in the VET system, including Australian Apprenticeships, training courses offered by registered training organisations, VET in Schools programs, recognition of existing skills and occupational licensing. The aims of training packages are to : help the VET system achieve a better match between skills demand and supply; encourage flexible and relevant workforce development and learning; provide for the national recognition of the vocational outcomes of learning; and guide and support individuals in their choice of training and career’. -
VET Reform Roadmap
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. ‘The draft VET Reform Roadmap is a well-supported framework for reform of Australia’s training sector. It has helped inform the Heads of Agreement for Skills Reform and will continue to guide reform discussions as part of the new National Skills Agreement. The development of the draft Roadmap included strong collaborations between : National and jurisdictional governments and Industry and key VET stakeholders’. A copy of the Roadmap is available from this page.
Explore Your Career
‘The home of career information. Search Industries and Occupations to find a career that’s right for you and what you can do to get there’. Explore one or both of these [Industries, Occupations]. -
Jobs and Skills Australia
‘Jobs and Skills Australia [JSA] is an independent agency, responsible for providing advice to the Australian Government to underpin Australia’s response to current, emerging and future labour market and workforce skills and training needs. JSA will help the Australian Government improve employment opportunities and economic growth. We have a strong team of diverse specialists including economists, data scientists, analysts, researchers, product developers and designers and project managers working with stakeholders to provide expert advice’. -
Study Australia - Vocational education
‘Australian Vocational Education and Training [VET] is built on partnership between government and industry to provide practical, cost-effective courses. Learn more about the wide range of industry-relevant qualifications available here’. -
The Vocational Education and Training Sector : A Quick Guide
Parliament of Australia. Done in 2021 but still relevant in many ways today. -
Tuition Protection Service
‘The Tuition Protection Service [TPS] may assist students to either continue their studies through another course or different provider, or by being provided a refund or loan re-credit for education and training they paid for but did not receive’. Information about the Tuition Protection Service, and specific groups including International students, VSL [VET Student Loans] and Higher Education Students and providers for each sector. There is also information about the service as well.
Australian Industry and Skills Committee
‘The Australian Industry and Skills Committee [AISC] is responsible for national training package product development under our Vocational Education and Training [VET] sector. Our membership brings together expertise across a broad range of sectors’. -
Australian Qualifications Framework
‘The Australian Qualifications Framework [AQF] is the national policy guide for regulated qualifications in the Australian education and training system. The AQF defines the essential characteristics, including the required learning outcomes, of the different types of qualifications issued across the senior secondary education, vocational education and training [VET] and higher education systems in Australia’.
myfuture - Australia’s National Career Information Service
‘myfuture provides resources to explore career pathways and tools to develop self-knowledge to help with career decision-making. Shape your future; Tools to Inspire; and Career Tips’. Sections cover Students, Teachers and Career Practitioners, Parents and Carers and Industry. -
My Skills
‘Search for a training organisation or a qualification, find out about the training experiences of others, access other useful training information’, more. -
‘Hundreds of Videos About Getting a Trade or Skill’. 12 skills areas and 7 channels to choose from, even a newsletter. Links to other aspects of this sector. -
Study Assist
‘Provides a one-stop-shop for all your questions about Australian Government assistance to help finance your tertiary studies’. One whole section is for VET Students, while the other areas cover all financial information.The following pages may prove useful :
Before you Study
‘How to get into higher education, Compare courses and providers, Providers that offer Commonwealth assistance, Scholarships’. -
Compare Courses and Providers
‘It is important for you to compare different education providers that offer the same/similar courses that you wish to study so you can make sure you are getting the best deal possible. Things to compare include price, course delivery and job prospects’. -
Deadlines and Withdrawals
Clear information in multiple sections responding to specific questions about withdrawing from courses, what obligations, what steps to take to make the move as little a problem or cost as possible. -
Higher Education Student Complaints
‘If you are not satisfied with the outcome after following your providers internal procedures and still believe your provider is breaching, or has breached, its legal requirements, you may submit a complaint to the relevant regulator for your provider’. Full details are provided. -
Loan Repayment Information
‘How do I repay my HELP debt ?’. Detailed information is provided covering this. - Providers that offer Commonwealth Assistance
‘Assists eligible students studying higher level vocational education and training qualifications to pay their tuition fees’. -
What am I eligible for ?
‘Answer all the questions below to identify what Government assistance is available to you’.
‘Training.gov.au is The National Register on Vocational Education and Training in Australia’. Its Links Page has links to other VET sector websites in specific groups., e.g. National VET Websites. -
Unique Student Identifier
‘All students doing nationally recognised training need to have a Unique Student Identifier [USI]. This includes students doing Vocational Education Training when they are still at school [VET for secondary students]. A USI is your individual education number for life’.
Australian Skills Quality Authority
‘We are the national regulator for vocational education and training’. Sections cover RTOs, ESOS Providers, Course Accreditation, training package assurance, Students, Guidance & resources, How we regulate and information about the authority itself. -
‘AVETRA is Australasia’s only independent association for research in vocational education and training. We bring together research stakeholders and researchers from the TAFE, university, industry and government sectors’. -
Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia [ITECA]
‘ITECA is a membership-based peak body bringing together independent providers in the higher education, vocational education and training sectors. Individually and collectively these providers share a commitment to providing students and their employers with the quality outcomes they are looking for. The ITECA Higher Education Network brings together more than half of the independent providers in the higher education sector’. -
National Centre for Vocational Education Research [NCVER]
‘NCVER is the national professional body responsible for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating research and statistics on the Australian vocational education and training [VET] sector’. NCVER’s Products and Services page will help you find information relevant to you, ranging from research summaries through to advanced tools for constructing your own data sets. -
TAFE Directors Australia [TDA]
‘TAFE Directors Australia [TDA] is the peak national body which represents Australia’s national network of publicly owned Technical and Further Education [TAFE] institutes and university TAFE divisions. Australia’s network of TAFE institutes is the largest and most diverse component of our national tertiary education sector, with campuses located across central business districts, suburban, regional, rural and remote locations. TAFE Locations in Australia can be found listed here’. -
Teacher Superstore - Vocational Education & Training
Educational Resources and Supplies
There are 76 resources at time of update. These are all books on a wide range of topics and with various prices. -
Vetr - The Vocational Education Community
‘A central point for the implementation and management of your team’s PD needs’. Sections include Subscriptions, Courses, Live Events, Replays, Professional, Resources, Support and Teams. Check each section for further details. -
‘NCVER’s international tertiary education research database. Resources include VET Knowledge Bank, VET Practitioner Resource and Pod Network. Quick Links connect to Glossary of VET, Timeline of VET Policy, Statistical resources, Landmark documents, Our research, Special Collections, Our affiliates program, ways to Stay informed’. Browse using multiple options, while you can set up your own My Collection from the resources available. -
Women in Adult & Vocational Education [WAVE]
‘WAVE was formed in 1985, the first and only national and autonomous non-government organisation for Australian women in the adult, community and vocational education and training sector. WAVE provides seminars and workshops, undertakes research, advocates and advises on policy, as well as networking internationally, nationally and on a state basis. The organisation is supported within each state by local representatives who in turn contribute collaboratively to national events and governance’.
Canberra Institute of Technology
‘CIT has an impressive history providing technical and further education in the ACT and surrounding area. Today, it trains around 20 000 students each year, touching more lives post- secondary school than any other tertiary education institution in the ACT. Offering apprenticeships and certificate level training through to diplomas and graduate certificates, CIT offers the full gamut of the tertiary experience and can help you identify a training pathway to help you reach your goals, whether you are new to study or already hold qualifications’. -
Skills [Canberra]
‘Skills Canberra is responsible and accountable for the provision of strategic advice and overall management of vocational education and training. Skills Canberra also manages Commonwealth and ACT funding directed to VET programs’. Sections of this site range from information for individuals through FAQs and Useful Links, to a Glossary of Terms and Useful resources. A number of previously included links are found through this site. One site linked to Skills can be viewed at AVETARS which is the online application used by Skills Canberra to manage vocational education and training initiatives in the ACT.
Australian School-based Apprenticeships [ASbA]
‘An ASbA offers students, 15 years of age or over, the opportunity to achieve a nationally recognised vocational qualification by combining paid work and training as part of their education program. An ASbA fits within a student’s study program whilst at school and can count toward their ACT Senior Secondary Certificate. Training is provided by a Registered Training Organisation [RTO]. This may be the school, CIT or a private RTO. Students can start an ASbA in high school and both Accredited Package and Tertiary Package students can continue their ASbA in college’. They also provide an ASbA Guide for Schools [1.3Mb]. -
Careers and Vocational Pathways
Covers Careers Learning - Transitions Services and Programs, Workplace Learning and Pathways Planning. VET & Australian School-based Apprenticeships - Australian School-based Apprenticeships [ASbA], VET Pathways, Post-school Options and Head Start. -
Review of Vocational Education and Training in ACT Public Schools :
Future Directions
Sourced from VOCEDplus. ‘The review follows work that all jurisdictions undertook on the National VET Framework, Preparing Secondary Students for Work, and builds on achievements the ACT has already made’. Available in PDF format [both Report and Government Response are available]. -
Vocational Education and Training
ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies. ‘Students can undertake a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training qualification while completing their Senior Secondary Certificate. There are a number of ways a student can do this’. -
VET Pathways
‘CIT for Schools [see link above], VLOs and Private RTOs’. Links to each are provided so you can find further information.
Government Funding and Incentives
Overview, Skilled Capital Initiative, Australian Apprenticeships, Participant eligibility. Links to further information.
NSW Skills Board
‘The NSW Skills Board provides independent advice to the NSW government on how best to meet the skills and training needs of NSW individuals, industry, regions and the economy. The Board provides independent, high level, strategic advice on the vocational education and training system in NSW’. -
Skills NSW
‘Discover and compare Skills NSW providers. There is a wide variety of training options throughout NSW’. Search options and NSW fee-free training, Check out traineeships and apprenticeships, Students and Job Seekers, Apprentices and Trainees, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Recognise your trade skills. I am still at school, what is available ? and NSW Training Awards, News and more. -
‘TAFE NSW is Australia’s leading provider of vocational education and training with over 500 000 enrolments each year. We operate as a network of Institutes offering the best of campus-based delivery as well as flexible, online and work-based learning’. Study with us, Support, Students Life plus Schools and Business. Find a course, Explore our course areas, Information Sessions, JobTrainer, TAFE Digital, Download the Career Guide 2023 and more. -
TAFE Courses
‘Browse through TAFE NSW’s course areas to find out which qualification[s] will give you the skills you need for the job you want. Learn about our centres of excellence and industry partners’. -
Vocational education and training [VET]
‘VET gives people workplace skills and technical knowledge. It emphasises hands-on experience and teaches many skills in demand in NSW’. Includes links to Community Colleges, adult and community education; TAFE NSW; For training Providers; Get funding for vocational education and training; Apprentices and trainees; Courses and advice for students, workers and jobseekers; Training Services NSW; Vet Programs and Services; Types of service providers; NSW Training Awards; VET forms and documents library; and a resources Library. -
What is VET and what are the benefits ?
‘Vocational Education and Training [VET] provides workplace skills, technical knowledge and qualifications for rewarding jobs and careers’. Sections include - Is VET right for me ?; What about apprenticeships and traineeships ?; Where VET can take you; VET benefits by profession; and Find a course.
AIS Vocational Education and Training
Multiple sections including AISNSW RTO, External VET [EVET] and School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships cover major areas. -
An Overview of VET
Catholic Education Commission of NSW. Coverage of VET implementation in Catholic schools. Further links are in the main menu. -
Career Choices for High School Students
‘Get a head start on a career by completing a TAFE NSW vocational education course, either at school or online, or earn while you learn with a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship. You can also do your post-school studies and choose from a diploma, degree or other pathway to university’. Sections include Information for High School Students, TAFE at School, TAFE for School Leavers, Student Life, Get a Career Guide and FAQs. -
Career Learning and Vocational Education
Education NSW. ‘Studying a vocational education and training [VET)]course as part of the HSC is a smart choice. VET courses provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to make the most of your future’. Sections include Benefits of Vocational Education and Training and Supporting students, investing in the future are included. -
Overview of
vocational education and training
‘Studying a vocational education and training [VET] course as part of the HSC is a smart choice. VET courses provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to make the most of your future’. Major sections cover Benefits of vocational education and training and Supporting students, investing in the future. -
Students and Job Seekers
‘Studying, seeking work or changing careers ? Vocational training is a great way to learn new skills and get paid experience in many different jobs’. Multiple sections provide a wealth of relevant information. -
TAFE. ‘Download TVET Guide; Benefits of TVET; TVET in Schools; TAFE NSW Schools Launchpad [virtual TVET]; Frequently Asked Questions; School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships [SBAT]; Sample Pathway Options; and Information for Parents and Carers. All TVET courses help you build practical skills and industry-specific knowledge, and count toward your school outcome, with some courses contributing towards an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank [ATAR]’. -
Virtual VET courses
‘Check out these 20 new HSC virtual VET courses. They are ATAR eligible and lead to a nationally recognised qualification. Find out more about virtual VET courses or review our Frequently asked questions [FAQs]’. -
Vocational Education & Training [Board of Studies]
News, frameworks, endorsed courses, course exclusions, prior learning, VET in Stage 5, apprenticeships and traineeships, more. -
Welcome to TAFE NSW for Schools
‘Whether you’re a high school student looking for your next move, a parent or carer wanting to guide your child, or a Careers Adviser looking for information to direct a students’ ambition, you’ll find the answers here at TAFE NSW for Schools’.
Review on the NSW vocational education and training sector
‘In 2020, Professor Peter Shergold AC and Mr David Gonski AC were commissioned to lead a Review on the NSW vocational education and training sector. They were asked to identify opportunities to ensure NSW remains nationally and internationally competitive and that VET is regarded as a genuine and desirable option for school leavers. In developing their recommendations, Professor Shergold and Mr Gonski conducted extensive research and targeted consultation with educational experts and industry leaders. View a copy of the final report of the Review here - In the same sentence : Bringing higher and vocational education together’. -
Report on Government Services 2017 - Vocational Education and Training
Productivity Commission. ‘This chapter reports on government funded VET services delivered by Registered Training Organisations. For further information on VET in schools see School education [Chapter 4]’. -
Strategic Evaluation of Vocational Education and Training in Schools in New South Wales
‘Establishing the value for students, employers and the community of vocational education and training in schools qualifications’. A much earlier review than those above. This was done in 2005.
CDU TAFE [Charles Darwin University]
‘Browse TAFE study areas. Studying with CDU TAFE will give you the opportunity to develop industry-standard skills in your chosen area of study. Once you have completed a national TAFE qualification at Certificate IV or above, you will meet the minimum entry requirements to most undergraduate courses at CDU’. -
Free training courses [NT.GOV.AU]
‘The Northern Territory and Australian governments are jointly funding a range of courses to give you practical skills for work. These courses are open to Territorians who meet the relevant eligibility criteria. A small administration and resource fee may apply to some courses. Find out more’ on this page. -
NT Training Awards
‘An annual premier event recognising training excellence and achievements by Northern Territory businesses, training organisations, apprentices, trainees, trainers and students’. -
Northern Territory Training Entitlement
‘Information on financial help for school leavers to study at a university or undertake an apprenticeship, traineeship or vocational education and training [VET]. -
Skilling Territorians
‘VET investment framework and Skilling the Territory investment plan. The vocational education and training investment framework highlights government priorities and workforce input which guides investment in training. The framework also assists in directing the investment in development to meet current, future and emerging needs for skills. The framework presides over demand-driven funding programs which support industry and business needs. The framework is underpinned by the Skilling the Territory investment plan which provides clarity on the government’s priorities and levels of investment in skill development’. -
Vocational education and training - The Territory
‘Vocational education and training [VET] is accredited training in job-related and technical skills. In the Northern Territory, all VET qualifications are delivered by private institutions and Charles Darwin University. In other places in Australia, government institutions, called technical and further education [TAFE] institutions, deliver VET, as well as private institutions’. -
What is VET ?
‘A practical tertiary education option available to everyone across a large number of careers and industries ranging from the traditional trades to business or the creative arts’. Done in sections including Starting Out, Moving Up,Workplaces and Testimonials.
About NT Certificate of Education
and Training
Part of this includes Vocational and community learning. A link is provided to the SACE website for further information. -
Careers and Vocational Education and Training
‘This page has Career Education and Work Experience information [multiple documents] plus both PDF and DOCX formats for each of the following : Vocational Education and Training Guidelines, Vocational Work Placement Guidelines and Vocational Work Placement Insurance Guidelines. As well, there are also Resources for schools and registered training organisations and also for students and parents’. -
Catholic Education Northern Territory
Vocational Education and Training. ‘VET is a learning pathway available for young people in senior secondary. It provides students with the opportunity to engage in education and training that leads to obtaining nationally recognised qualifications ranging from Certificate I through to Diploma. VET covers a large number of careers and industries including trades, health, business, retail, hospitality, tourism and technology. It allows students to develop industry-recognised knowledge and skills and then choose from a broad range of post-school options such as employment and/or further education and training. It is important to note that work placement is a mandatory component of some VET qualifications’. -
Recording of VET data for NTCET Recognition Guidelines
‘This document explains how, where and when Vocational Education and Training data is recorded and the upload process to Schools Online’. -
School based Apprenticeships
and Traineeships Policy
This ‘policy has been developed to provide a broad framework for the continued growth of school based apprenticeships and traineeships in the Northern Territory’. -
Student Eligibility VET Policy
‘This policy sets out the basic criteria for Northern Territory students and apprentices / trainees undertaking vocational education and training in a NT Government supported place’. -
VET and Apprenticeships and Traineeships in School
‘This guide has information Vocational Education and Training and training and VET for secondary students. It is suggested you might Print all pages in this section’.
‘PreVET provides real outcomes for students that lead to an Apprenticeship, further study in Adult vocational education, supported access to university through the Preparation for Tertiary Success [PTS] and Tertiary Entrance Program [TEP] or sustainable and successful employment. Target student age : middle years [7-9]’. The Teacher Guide [see site] should be of value in this area.
About Vocational Education and Training [VET]
What it is, Is it for you ?, school students, job seekers, professional development, Find a VET course, links, more. -
TAFE Queensland
‘Queensland’s largest, most experienced training provider delivering practical, industry-relevant training to more than 120 000 students each year’. TAFE At School provides a clear path to achievement and clarifies what is involved in the process. -
Training Queensland
All aspects of training. VET pages include :
Advancing Skills for the Future :
a strategy for Vocational Education and Training in Queensland
‘Sets out the Queensland Government’s vision for VET to ensure that in a changing world, all Queenslanders are able to access - at any stage in their lifetime and career - high quality training that improves their life prospects and supports industry development and economic growth’. -
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
Information about school-based and industry based options. Seven major sections plus links to other specifics. -
Disability Support
Includes Skills Disability Support, Disability Support resources, Inclusive practice resources, the National Disability Insurance Scheme and links to the Inclusive Learning Framework and the National Disability Insurance Scheme in Queensland as well as Disability assistance for apprentices and trainees. -
Inclusive Practices in Training
‘Vocational education and training students encompass a range of abilities, learning styles, educational needs and cultural backgrounds. Inclusive practice ensures everyone has the opportunity to learn and to access the support needed to engage purposefully and experience learning success. Inclusive practice in VET provides these opportunities and enhances the realisation of economic and social benefits’. Other listings of resources and support are also available from the site. -
Queensland Skills Gateway
‘Find a training Course; I want to be … ; Am I eligible ?; Find a Training Provider’; more. -
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships
Nine sections provide information on all relevant aspects relating to this process.
Vocational Education and Training, QCAA
‘The QCAA can register Queensland school RTOs to deliver and assess vocational education and training for all qualifications and accredited courses up to AQF Certificate IV level [except those declared as an apprenticeship in Queensland]. School RTOs registered to deliver VET through the QCAA may deliver VET to students in Years 10, 11 and 12 only’. The starting page for this area. Sections include :
Questions with responses and many with links to further information. -
myQCE - Vocational education and training
‘VET courses develop your skills and get you ready for work through practical learning. They can also lead to further education and training. Courses range from Certificate I qualifications to Advanced Diplomas. When you study VET as part of your QCE pathway, you can leave school with : a statement of attainment [when you complete one or more units] or qualification/s and a record of results [when you meet all requirements]. VET courses may contribute up to 8 credits per course towards your QCE’. -
RTO Activities
‘Ask the VET team a question; Add a qualification; Add a unit of competency; Change organisation details; Remove a qualification; Transition to replacement qualifications or competencies’. -
Third-party arrangements
‘School RTOs must have written agreements in place with any third parties who deliver training, assessment or any other services on their behalf’. Related details are included on the page and through included links. -
A brochure ‘For students completing Year 12 [2018 and 2019]’.
Senior Years of Schooling
Includes ‘Information about a variety of Senior Education and Training Pathways available to students’ including Vocational Education and Training in Schools [VETIS] - see below. -
VET in Schools [VETiS]
‘VETiS qualifications funded by the VET investment budget are listed on the Priority Skills List. These qualifications are delivered by RTOs who have been approved by the department as Skills Assure suppliers [SAS] under the Certificate 3 Guarantee’. -
Vocational Education & Training, Qld
What it is, School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, information sources, resources, links.
Queensland Training Awards
‘The state’s highest recognition of people and organisations who strive for success, best practice and innovation in training’. About the awards, Entering the awards, Award announcements, Winners and Finalists, Sponsors and supporters, News Promotional material, Testimonials, Stay Updated. -
Queensland Training Ombudsman
‘Provides a free, confidential and independent service to review and resolve enquiries and complaints from apprentices, trainees, students, employers and other stakeholders about the VET system’. -
Study Queensland - Vocational Education and
‘Led by industry and responsive to local and international needs, vocational education and training providers in Queensland are focused on delivering skills based training that gives students a competitive edge’. -
Vocational Training Queensland
‘Vocational Training Queensland [VTQ] provides training to young people across Queensland who need support in developing their literacy, numeracy and learning skills. Our purpose is to provide inclusive training through literacy and numeracy courses that support young people to succeed in their next steps in education, further training or employment’.
Skills SA
‘We’re helping students, businesses and industry to thrive through skills and vocational education and training [VET]. Skills SA works in partnership with learners, businesses, peak and representative groups and the community’. -
South Australian Skills Commission
‘The South Australian Skills Commission provides independent, industry-led advice to Government on workforce development priorities, provides oversight of the skills system and promotes career pathways and lifelong learning. If you’re a student, apprentice or trainee, employer or a training organisation, the South Australian Skills Commission can assist you’. -
‘TAFE SA is South Australia’s largest vocational education and training provider. We deliver job-focused training across a range of industries from entry-level certificates to bachelor degrees, at locations across the state’. -
Vocational Education and Training
sa.gov.au . TAFE South Australia, Qualifications, School Based Apprenticeships.
Courses for School Students - TAFE SA
‘TAFE SA’s courses for school students are designed for students in Year 10 to Year 12. They give students the opportunity to learn specific industry skills and gain credit towards a nationally recognised qualification such as a certificate, diploma or advanced diploma, all while undertaking their South Australian Certificate of Education [SACE]. There are three different ways for school students to study with us; either through a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship, through the SA Government’s Flexible Industry Pathway Program, or Stackable VET Program’. -
Catholic Education South Australia - Vocational Education
‘VET in Schools Programs; School-based Apprenticeships/Traineeships; Workplace Learning Guidelines’, multiple documents, more. -
Curriculum in South Australian schools
sa.gov.au . One of the three [3] areas nominated on this page is Vocational education and training for school students. It also has a link to the Pathways to further education and employment page [see below]. -
Pathways to further
education and employment
Includes ‘The case for change; Engaging with industry; Career education; Pathways to employment; VET course information; Transition programs for students with disability from school to work; Projects to further support students; and Improving the quality of VET in schools ’. There is also a link to Student Pathways. ‘Student Pathways takes you from school to the world of work. Explore careers in demand across South Australia, know what to study, connect with employers and build your CV’. -
School based
‘Australian school-based apprenticeships and traineeships allow students to start working on an apprenticeship or traineeship from Year 10. You will earn a wage, train with an employer and work towards an accredited qualification while undertaking your South Australian Certificate of Education [SACE]’. There is a Step by Step Guide and and links if you need help. -
Start an apprenticeship or traineeship
‘Undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship allows you to learn real skills in the workplace, become qualified in a trade or vocation and be paid a wage while you’re learning. You’ll enter into a training contract with an employer and a training provider that will allow you to combine hands-on training in the workplace with off-job study in a classroom or workshop. Apprenticeships and traineeships can be full-time or part-time and even started while you’re at school’. -
VET for School Students Policy
‘Repositioning VET within secondary education in South Australia’. -
Vocational Education and Training SACE
‘Vocational education and training [VET] is hands-on practical training that is nationally recognised. VET supports students to develop and apply skills and knowledge for work and their future pathway and it can all count towards the SACE. The policy for recognition of VET in the SACE has been enhanced to recognise Skills Sets from nationally endorsed training packages. From May 2022 onwards, the SACE Board will be including Skill Sets in the VET Recognition Register and in Schools Online’. -
Education and Training [VET] courses for school students 2023
Part of Student Pathways. ‘Your Career, Your Pathway, Your choice’. Extensive information covering this area. -
Workplace learning, Work placement and Work experience
Includes sections covering ‘Resources for schools; Types of workplace learning; Information for students; Information for workplace learning providers; Information for parents and carers; and Further information’.
Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways - TAFE SA
‘Develop language, literacy and numeracy competencies suitable for work and community. Discover pathways into other vocational education and training and gain access to accredited language, literacy and numeracy training’. -
Student Pathways Team Moodle
Relevant sections include the Industry Pathways Program, Workplace Learning and Careers Strategy. You can now also get a Moodle app to do the same work. -
Vocational Education and Training in Adelaide [StudyAdelaide]
‘Adelaide’s vocational education and training [VET] institutions offer courses to build job-specific skills across a wide range of industries in Australia. VET qualifications are provided by government institutions, called Technical and Further Education [TAFE], as well as a range of Registered Training Organisations [RTOs], which are regulated by the Australian Government’.
Government Education and Training International
‘Specialises in connecting international students and businesses with flexible education, skills and qualifications from our local government education providers’. Includes vocational education. -
Skills Tasmania
‘Skills Tasmania is Tasmania’s State Training Authority’. Relevant pages include :
Apprenticeships & Traineeships
‘Whether you are someone looking to become an apprentice or trainee or an employer looking for a worker, here is everything you need to know about apprenticeships and traineeships in Tasmania’. -
Industry information and profiles
‘Skills Tasmania is currently updating this information. Information about priorities for training and workforce development can be found in the Ministerial Priorities for Training and Workforce Development System’. -
Latest News
‘The Skills Facts e-newsletter provides up-to-date news and events on Tasmanian and national VET-related matters, including workshops, forums, conferences, funding opportunities and professional development activities’. -
Learners and Jobseekers
‘VET includes courses that prepare you for learning, right through to Advanced Diplomas, across a range of industries critical to Tasmania’s future. Whether you’re looking for your first job, a new job, retraining or just want to top up your skills then VET has something for you’. -
Qualifications approved and funded in Tasmania
‘This section will provide you with access to information to help you understand what training is available in Tasmania, and which qualifications are currently subsidised by the Tasmanian Government’. -
Tasmanian VET System
‘Operation of the VET system in Tasmania - Governance, Regulation, Administration and oversight and Delivery. Data on VET activity in Tasmania, Glossary of Terms and VET related policies and legislation’. -
Want to know more about VET ?
‘Vocational education and training [VET] is important to Tasmania’s economy by supporting the growth of a skilled workforce. It enables students to gain qualifications for all types of jobs and the specific skills employers want’. Multiple sections on different aspects of information.
‘A single entity for Tasmania’s public sector post-compulsory vocational education and training’. Course information, student information, campuses, more. -
Vocational Education and Training
‘Thinking about doing a course, taking on new skills or looking at your career options ? Vocational education and training can help you find your future path. You can do short courses, formalise existing skills, change jobs or start an apprenticeship or traineeship through VET. Find out more’.
Vocational Education and Training [VET in Schools]
Department for Education, Children and Young People. -
Vocational Education and Training at MacKillop
Information regarding this learning area, in one Catholic high school. -
and Tasmanian Government Schools - Senior Secondary Age Students
Department for Education, Children and Young People Tasmania. Education and Training after Year 10 Two of a series of Parent Fact Sheets. -
Workplace Learning Policy and Procedures
Department for Education, Children and Young People.
TasTAFE Corporate Plan 2020-2023
‘TasTAFE is the State Government vocational education and training business – preparing the State’s future skilled workforce. Our values and behaviours reflect our commitment to working with our partners to provide high level vocational education and training that meets the needs of the individual, industry and the broader Tasmanian economy’.
‘For a new direction or change in your current career, a qualification from TAFE will take you there. Visit the Victorian Skills Gateway to explore courses and occupations offered across the TAFE network’. Sections include :
Contact the TAFE and Training line
‘We’re here to offer free advice and information about government-funded TAFE and training in Victoria’. -
Getting back to work
A range of options and choices are included. -
Starting out
‘Where to start out in vocational training; Free TAFE; Skills and Job Centres; Further Support - Financial Assistance and/or Get answers and advice; and Getting advice about training and skills’.
Connecting people with skills
‘We give people the training and skills they need for in-demand and emerging jobs’. -
Skills First
‘A set of reforms for the training and TAFE sector. The reforms ensure that Victoria’s training and TAFE system delivers high quality training that leads learners to real jobs. Overview, Growth sectors, Funding, Contacts and compliance, Restoring TAFEs and Supporting quality providers’. -
Studying & Training
‘Find out about study pathways through high school, university and TAFE. There’s also information about the kind of support out there for students, and tips for study and exam success’. -
TAFE, training and universities
Victorian Government. ‘Find a training course, become an apprentice or trainee and find out if you are eligible for Free TAFE for priority jobs’. Multiple sections provide a wide range of information. -
Vocational Education and Training
Links with Training and Government subsidies. ‘Government subsidised training is where the government contributes towards the cost of your training course’. -
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
‘The statutory authority responsible for ensuring that employers of apprentices and trainees and providers of education and training meet quality standards, and that information is readily available to support informed choice in education and training’. Home Education, Apprenticeships and Traineeships, School Education; VET and Training Organisations. -
Victorian Skills Gateway
‘Explore courses, Jobs and Careers, Fees and funding, Get help and Search’. -
Victorian Skills Plan for 2022 into 2023
‘Aligning the delivery of skills with the needs of the economy will ensure there is a pipeline of skilled workers available to meet future needs, including in those areas of Government priority around infrastructure and social recovery. The Skills Plan identifies actions and recommends what is required to build a robust skills base’. -
VRQA - Victoria’s Registration and Qualifications Authority
‘We are an independent statutory authority that works to assure the quality of education and training in Victoria. We apply standards to education and training providers and accredit courses and qualifications. We register apprentices and trainees, approve their employers and assure all parties meet their contractual obligations’. -
Visit a Skills and Jobs Centre
‘Skills and Jobs Centres are a Victorian government program to help current and prospective students, job seekers and employers. They provide free expert advice and support with : choosing TAFE and training courses, choosing or changing your career, finding and applying for a job, doing an apprenticeships and traineeships, getting financial support, getting credit for your skills and any past study’.
Career education
‘Resources to help you teach your students to make informed career decisions and equip themselves for the world of work. Includes Apprenticeships and workplace learning, Run VET programs for secondary students, Engaging parents in career conversations’ plus other related material. -
Tech Schools
‘These will be innovative, shared learning environments that are managed and operated by a partnership of local schools, local government, TAFE, university and industry partners. Victoria’s 10 new Tech Schools are centres of science, technology, engineering and mathematics [STEM] excellence’. -
Senior secondary schooling pathway reforms
‘We want every Victorian student’s senior secondary experience to be positive, enjoyable and rewarding. On this page : Senior secondary certificate reform, VET delivered to school students [VDSS], School-based apprenticeships and traineeships, Transforming career education, Secondary Schools Agriculture Fund, Growing the VET and applied learning workforce, VET champions, The Trades Fit and more information’. -
VET Champions available
to speak at your school
‘As part of a new initiative to promote career pathways open to students through vocational and applied learning, teachers can book a VET Champion to speak at their school. VET Champions are available to speak to students about their careers and experiences with vocational education and training [VET]. This is especially powerful for students in Years 7 to 10, as they make decisions about subjects and career pathways. The initiative promotes authentic stories of how people from diverse backgrounds and cultures across Victoria have found a career they love’. -
Vocational Education and Training, VCAA
‘Students may include Vocational Education and Training [VET] in their VCE and VCAL. Students can do nationally recognised training through a VCAA approved VCE VET program as an apprenticeship or traineeship or any other VET qualification and receive credit towards their VCE or VCAL’. -
Vocational Education and Training [VET] at school [Victorian Government]
‘On this page : Vocational education and training explained, Including VET in your studies, Your VET options, Apprenticeships and traineeships at school, More information’. -
Vocational Education and Training [VET] pathways in schools
‘A priority set of 12 VET pathways in schools provides more options to match students’ strengths and interests. On this page : Priority VET pathways, Flexible VET pathways, More information’. -
Workforce learning for Secondary Students
‘Manage and run workplace learning programs for secondary school students’.
Centre for Vocational and Educational Policy
University of Melbourne. ‘Our work focuses on pathways within upper secondary education and from upper secondary education into higher education, vocational education and training [VET], work-based training and the labour market, both in an international and a comparative context. We integrate research, consultancy and teaching in this specialised policy area’. -
Reforming VET to meet industry needs
Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. ‘Major reforms for Victoria’s Vocational Education and Training [VET] system’.
Apply to study at TAFE [WA Government]
‘You can submit your application to any of the following TAFE colleges : North Metropolitan TAFE, South Metropolitan TAFE, North Regional TAFE, Central Regional TAFE and South Regional TAFE. A manual form is available for you to download if you prefer to apply by mail. If you need any assistance when completing the form you can call 61 8 6212 9888’. -
Are you ready to start your new future ? - Jobs and Skills WA
‘For over 120 years, TAFE has been the primary provider of vocational education and training in Western Australia. With 55 campuses across the state, and over 1 000 courses, TAFE offers something for everyone. To find out what’s happening at your local TAFE, visit their website via the links below. To find your local TAFE, select your region from the map to see a list of campus locations and contact details’. -
Department of Training and Workforce Development
‘The Department of Training and Workforce Development manages Western Australia’s investment in vocational education and training. We work together with individuals, employers, business and industry and training providers to build a skilled workforce for the future’. Relevant pages include :
- About the Department of Training and Workforce Development
Apprenticeship Office
‘Registers and administers training contracts and regulates the apprenticeship system in Western Australia’. -
Career Development
‘Career planning, Education and training, Occupations, Finding a job, Career connect and Tools and resources’. -
Policies, guidelines, reporting
‘This section contains policies and guidelines useful to VET practitioners. It includes information on : standards and legislation; VET FEE-HELP; reporting requirements; and the Unique Student Identifier’. -
Strategic Plan 2019–2023
‘This strategic plan sets a clear, high level vision for the future of the training sector to guide the activities of the Department of Training and Workforce Development’. -
‘It’s important to have the right skills and qualifications. Training gives you practical skills which employers are looking for, giving you a greater competitive edge over others’. -
Training Accreditation Council
‘The Training Accreditation Council [the Council or TAC] is Western Australia’s Vocational Education and Training [VET] Regulator and is established under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996’. -
WA Training Awards [2023]
‘Recognise and reward outstanding achievements of apprentices, trainees and vocational students, and the contribution to training made by trainers, training organisations and employers’.
Technical Vocational Education Training Western Australia [TVET]
‘A quality consortium of Western Australian institutions, industry, and Government, brought together to deliver unique training programs’. -
The Training Accreditation Council
‘The Training Accreditation Council [the Council or TAC] is Western Australia’s Vocational Education and Training [VET] Regulator and is established under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996’. -
Vocational education [Western Australian Government]
‘Training and further education including apprenticeships, traineeships, workplace and on-the-job training’. Extensive information and guidance in a step-by-step format. -
Vocational Studies in Western Australia [StudyPerth]
‘VET courses in Perth give you the opportunity to learn valuable skills from Australia’s leading industry experts, and can also provide your pathway to higher education studies. You can enrol in a VET course at a private college or at one of the Western Australian government’s colleges, through TAFE International WA’.
All About VET
School Curriculum and Standards Authority. Industry specific courses, Credit Transfer, VET integrated in courses, Stand Alone programs, How VET contributes to WACE, FAQs, more. Senior Secondary. -
Schools and school students [Jobs and Skills WA]
‘If you’re currently a secondary school student, you have the opportunity to study a nationally recognised vocational education and training [VET] qualification while still at school. If you do a VET qualification while you are a full time secondary student, this may also count towards your Western Australian Certificate of Education [WACE]. What can I study ?, Careers : what’s your plan ?, Skills ready : Free training and more; Need more information ?’. -
The WACE - Years 11 and 12
‘Year 11 and Year 12 students select courses developed as part of the senior secondary reform announced by the Minister for Education in January 2013. These courses are ATAR, General, Foundation, VET industry specific, and Preliminary. For more information about VET for Year 11 and Year 12 students see Section 1 of the WACE Manual’. -
VET for
Secondary Students
‘The Department works with the education sector, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority and industry to support the delivery of quality VET programs to Western Australian secondary students’. -
VET for secondary students [DTWD]
‘The Department works with the education sector, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority and industry to support the delivery of quality VET programs to Western Australian secondary students. Here you will find a range of useful resources and information for schools, teachers and VET practitioners’. -
Vocational Education and Training [VET] - Department of Education
‘VET contribute significantly towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education [WACE]. As examples, a Certificate II in Building and Construction Pathway Trades or a can Certificate II in Workplace Skills contribute equivalent to 4 course units to the WACE. Completed qualifications recorded as part of secondary schooling are listed on the Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement [WASSA] along with individual units of competency achieved’. -
Vocational Education and Training in Schools Guidelines
Information from a Definition via relevant legislation or authority and delivery to Roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders.
Annual Report 2021-2022 - Department of Training and Workforce Development
‘The report provides the Western Australian Parliament and the community with an overview of our performance, as well as budget papers and other strategic documents. View the full Annual report 2021–22 here [PDF 13.87MB]’. -
Independent Review of the Vocational Education and Training Sector in Western Australia
‘The Minister has considered the review report and recommendations and the stakeholder feedback received through the public comment period and has released his response to each of the recommendations’. -
The WA State Training Plan 2022–2023
‘The plan is a key strategic document that sets out the training needs of the State’s industries and how those needs should be met by State Government investment in vocational education and training’.
National Research Priorities
‘NCVER’s research program, Recently completed research [… -2023] and Research Messages. Access current and all past editions of Research Messages, an annual publication detailing the key messages from all NCVER research reports published in the calendar year. It also contains information about NCVER events, infographics, presentations and webinars [PDF format]’. -
of VET in Schools and the shadow of ATAR
This presentation was one of the Vocational Voices podcast from 2022. These cover a wide range of topics related to vocational education and training. There are currently 7 series available either to listen to, or to download the transcript and read. -
Unpaid Work
Fair Work Ombudsman. ‘Unpaid work can take on different forms - from vocational placements, unpaid internships, unpaid work experience and unpaid trials. They are entered into for a number of reasons’. Multiple sections cover many aspects. -
VETASSESS - Vocational Education Training and Assessment Services
‘VETASSESS is Australia’s largest skills assessment provider, authorised by the Australian Government’. -
VET for secondary school students : acquiring an array of technical and non-technical skills
‘This study is the first of a suite of projects aimed at understanding the value of VET delivered to secondary school students for their post-school employment and training destinations. Statistical analysis presents the quantity and type of VET programs undertaken by students in secondary schools, and a content analysis of selected training packages explores non-technical skills. The aim is to understand how VET can equip the students with the technical and non-technical skills to participate in an ever-changing world of work. It identifies the presence or absence of key non-technical skills within the content’. -
VET Glossary
‘Includes terms and abbreviations likely to be found on this site and in associated educational and training publications. The definition given above refers to its use in the vocational education and training context’. You can download the Glossary [PDF] here and a Word Version here. -
VET in Schools students : characteristics and post-school employment and training experiences
‘This paper provides an up-to-date picture of trends in the uptake of VET in Schools [VETiS] programs, the profile and participation of students who undertake VETiS programs, and the level and type of qualifications that are undertaken. It also reports on investigations into the education and training experiences of VETiS students five years down the track of their VETiS course’. -
WorldSkills Australia
‘Our purpose is to promote and build a skills culture by inspiring young people, celebrating skills excellence and providing them with an opportunity to showcase their trade and skill talent’. The 2023 National Championships will be held in Melbourne in August.
1. National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd. Web. Updated September 2020.
VOCEDplus Glossary : V